How to Report Quality of Life/ Public Works Issues...
- Start by posting your issue on the DCCB Interactive Issue Map
- Public Works Hotline: (856) 757-7034
The Public Works Hotline was established as a means for the public to report any unsafe condition needing immediate attention. It can be accessed 24 hours a day.
The hotline is manned Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Abandoned Homes: Board Up Hotline: (856) 757-7311
The City of Camden Public Works Department carries out the following operations:
Pothole Repairs- Public Works has the responsibility to repair or arrange to have repaired any potholes located on any city maintained streets within the City of Camden that is creating a safety hazard. The New Jersey Department of Transportation maintains State roadways and Camden County Public Works maintains all County Roadways.
Debris Removal - The department removes trash and debris from vacant lots and alleyways. If lots are privately owned the owner is billed for services for the cost incurred in the removal of trash and debris.
Lot/Grass Cutting/ Cleaning - The Department assumes responsibility for cutting grass, trees and shrubbery on any city owned plot of land, lots, streets highways and right of ways within the City of Camden.
Street Signs - The department has the responsibility for maintaining all street signs. This includes installation of new signs, repairs, replacements, and name changes. This is in addition to painting the road lines and curbing. Trees and shrubs are trimmed so that pedestrians and motorist have a clear view of all signs.
Snow Removal - The department is responsible for snow plowing/removal and ice control on all city maintained streets in the City of Camden. The New Jersey Department of Transportation maintains State roadways and Camden County Public Works maintains all County Roadways.
Seasonal Leaf Collection - The department provides seasonal leaf collection. Leaves should be raked to the front curb of your property. Bagged leaves should be left open in order to expedite removal. Under no circumstances should tree limbs, branches or other debris be mixed in with leaves.
Board Ups/Clean Outs - Clean out activities most commonly involves removal of trash and debris located inside or around vacant properties that would otherwise cause health hazards or any other forms of unsafe conditions.Board-up activities involve properly securing or closing up abandoned structures to prevent unlawful entry. The Department of Development & Planning issues board-up permits. Their office processes all board-up requests. The Department of Public Works is issued the board-up permit that authorized the department to proceed with the board-up.
Adopt a Lot - City residents can "adopt" city-owned lot(s). Lots must be kept clean, free and clear of trash and debris. Lots can be used for vegetable or floral gardens and other uses. Please contact the department for adopt-a-lot guidelines and application. "Adopted" lots remain the property of the City.
Graffiti Removal - The department removes graffiti from city-owned properties. Privately owned properties can request a (one-time) removal by calling the office. The property owner then signs a release form holding the city harmless from any liability. Process entails removal and re-painting location spot only.
Department of Public Works: Bureau of Parks and Open Spaces
(856) 757-7069
This Bureau of the Department is responsible for daily maintenance of parks, playgrounds and landscape beautification projects. Scheduling of park show-mobile use and rentals.